Woodland Scenics HO A1821
Includes six people - four men and two women in various poses of conversation, reading and merely waiting, perhaps for a bus.
Woodland Scenics HO A1822
This set includes five officers and one canine cop.
Woodland Scenics HO A1824
You might see these six people on any street.
Woodland Scenics A1826
Six City Workers are included in this set.
Woodland Scenics A1827
This set includes a mailman, a man and a woman in various 'canine' situations, four dogs and a fire hydrant.
Woodland Scenics A1828
This set includes five roofers.
MSRP: $15.99 Sale Price: $14.49
Set includes two women and four men sitting.
MSRP: $16.99
Sale Price: $14.49
There are six kids at play in this set.
MSRP: $16.99 Sale Price: $14.49
Set included three moms and three kids.
Woodland Scenics A1834
This set includes two men, three women, a child and a dog.
MSRP: $16.99 Sale Price: $14.49
Set includes men and women enjoying some sightseeing.
Woodland Scenics A1837
Set includes general public figures, three men and three women.
Woodland Scenics A1840
One female sits and waves, while another walks carrying her luggage. A male traveler walks with two suitcases, while another stands with his coat flopped over one arm, carrying his luggage.
Woodland Scenics HO A1841
There are dogs and cats galore in this set - two domestic and one feral cat, and seven dogs, some purebreds and some junkyard mutts. The set completes the scene with a trashcan and fire hydrant.
MSRP: $16.99 Sale Price: $14.99
Set includes sheep, horses and a goat in varying sizes and poses.
MSRP: $16.99 Sale Price: $14.99
Three Porters heft baggage while another stands empty-handed. The conductor checks his pocket watch and the Captain seems to be yelling, "All aboard!"
Woodland Scenics A1848
Checker Players - HO Scale
Woodland Scenics A1849 Rebels
A cool couple stands together, arms entwined, while the man fixes his hair. Another couple stands together: his arms are crossed and her hand rests on her hip. One man leans with his hand on the wall.
MSRP: $15.99 Sale Price: $13.59
The crew boss points direction and a man takes a break with a cold drink.
Woodland Scenics HO A1851
This set includes an assortment of Road Crew tools and supplies.
Woodland Scenics A1857
A girl teases a honking goose and a boy draws back on a slingshot. A woman in an apron uses a hoe and a man collects things in his basket. A man carries a bucket and another man hauls a feed sack on his back.
HO Scale
MSRP: $15.99 Sale Price: $13.99
Two guards with guns stand watch over four inmates. One inmate leans on his shovel and wipes his brow while another stands holding his shovel. Another inmate swings a pickax overhead while the fourth inmate shovels.
Woodland Scenics A1859
Set of train mechanics and a tool box.