4-wheel trucks with pickup for American Flyer operating freight cars.
Fastrack lantern for American Flyer S gauge engines.
American Flyer knuckle coupler with hole used on all engines and rolling stock
American Flyer knuckle coupler with slit and split rivet for link coupler conversion to knuckle coupler.
American Flyer "Pullman" water type decal, 1 9/16" used on prewar A.F.
Metal worm gear for double end armitures. American Flyer S gauge.
Set of four (4) red spoked wheels used on American Flyer O Gauge Electric Locomotives.
.154 axle reamed.
A set of four (4) wheels, black spoked with nickel rims (2 with gear, 2 without gear) used on American Flyer O gauge steam locomotives.
.154 axle reamed.
A set of four (4) wheels, with red spokes, used on American Flyer wide gauge electric locomotives. Includes 2 wheels with drive lugs.