Right hand eccentric rod assembly for Lionel 224 and 1666 Steam Engines.
Left hand eccentric rod assembly for Lionel 224 and 1666 Steam Engine.
Eccentric crank for valve gear assembly for Lionel postwar engines 625, 2025, and 2035. Pair with 700E-53 Eccentric Crank Rivet in separate listing.
Left Hand valve gear assembly for postwar engines 625, 2025, and 2035.
Right Hand valve gear assembly for postwar engines 625, 2025, and 2035.
Front corner handrail fits 2226W-2226WX Tenders for 226, 226E, 763E Locos.
Back corner handrail fits 2226W-2226WX Tenders for 226, 226E, 763E Locos.
Collector insulation for use with collector assembly in GP Road Diesels
This is the 3 step pilot (with 2 rivets) for the Lionel #2328 GP-7 and GP-9.