Woodland Scenics JP5665
Suspended Flashing Traffic Lights
O Scale
Woodland Scenics JP5666
Traffic Mast Arm
4 Lights (2 red, 2 green)
O Scale
Woodland Scenics JP5681
Use the Port Sharing Device with a Light Hub or Sequencing Light Hub to add up to four Stick-On or Nano LED Lights per Light Port.
Woodland Scenics JP5682
Battery Case, Just-Plug
Use as an alternative to the Just Plug Power Supply to power Light Hubs, Sequencing Light Hubs and Expansion Hubs.
Woodland Scenics JP5683
Extension Wire is Just Plug-compatible and has soft insulation for easy stripping. Paired wire is color-coded for proper connection with Splicer Plugs and Extension Cable Kit.
Woodlans Scenics JP5685
Ready to plug into a port on a Light Hub or Sequencing Light Hub. Use to plug in remotely located Street and Wall Mount Lights.
Woodlans Scenics JP5686
Splicer Plugs make it easy to properly connect paired wires.
Woodland Scenics JP5701
Light Hub, Just Plug Light System
Woodland Scenics JP5702
Use the Expansion Hub to connect up to four Light Hubs, expanding your Just Plug Lighting System quickly and easily.
MSRP: $16.99 Sale Price: $14.99
Eliminate all light leaks, black out windows, prevent glowing walls and seal building seams.
Woodland Scenics JP5770
Just Plug Power Supply
The transformer connects the to Light Hub or Expansion Hub and powers up to 50 Light Hub Ports.
MSRP: $49.95
Revved up and ready to go, this timeless coupe is ready for a night time cruise under the stars.
MSRP: $49.95
Simple, yet elegant, this classic car likes to strut it's stuff down main street for all to see.
MSRP: $49.95
Rag-top down, and summer in mind, this convertible is ready for a Sunday drive.
Woodland Scenics JP5978
Out for a drive? This well mannered coupe has a little bit of a wild side.
O Scale
Woodland Scenics JP5981
Isn't he a beauty? If only mom and dad would let you borrow the car for a drive downtown.