White River Productions - Trains and Railroads of the Past, Issue #39 3rd Quarter 2024

Trains and Railroads of the Past, Issue #39 3rd Quarter 2024

Quantity: 4


Navy Years of Dick Adams • by Olev Taremae — 1960s Photography by a Famed Diesel Historian.

A Southwest Odyssey Part III  • by Dave Ori — Follow those Chromes!

1151: My Favorite Locomotive • by Todd Humphrey — The Adventures of a Well-traveled FP10.

Alco's in Blue and Gray• by Mike Bednar — Lehigh & Hudson Railway ALCO Century 420’s.


Write-of-Way — Our readers respond! Comments on articles, photos, and departments.

Odds & Endcabs... — These are not your typical cookie-cutter locomotives and rolling stock.

Electric Company — Photos of electric-powered trains; including streetcars, trolleys, passenger trains, and freight trains.

Quiz — Florida.

The Scenic Route — Beautiful scenes from around the railroad world.

Car Corner — Freight cars are now featured in every issue of Trains & Railroads of the Past! Passenger cars will also make occasional appearances.

Close, But No Cigar! — This is what railfanning often turns out to be! This department will feature a photograph that is ALMOST perfect, except for….

Time Machine — Timeless views of your favorite railroads from long ago or yesterday.

People — Lively additions to spice up rail photos.

Sign Language — Interesting signage found along the right of way.

E.O.T. — Each issue features a humorous or unusual railroad photograph.

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