Digitrax #DS74
Quad Switch Stationary Decoder
Quantity: | 1 |
The Digitrax DS74 Quad Switch Stationary Decoder allows you to install and operate up to four turnouts directly through any DCC system that has turnout control. It's for use with solenoid or slow-motion turnouts. It's configurable for capacitive discharge with balky solenoids and for on/off control of 8 layout lights. It features plug and play wire connectors and works with compatible LocoNet systems. It features stabilized and adjustable output voltages, option setup switches for configuration and on-layout programming via LocoNet. It includes eight onboard routes, with EZ-Route setup and routes are directly editable using the latest DT602 IPL. This decoder also features eight input lines for switch and detection inputs; field firmware updating via IPL over LocoNet, a DC 2mm jack for reliable power input and optional DCC track inputs for limited feature capabilities.