Lionel 2226440
Union Pacific Rocket Booster Flatcar 5-Pack wo/rocket
Lionel 2226451
Bethlehem Steel Coil Car #216451
Lionel 2226452
Bethlehem Steel Coil Car #216489
Lionel 2226461
BNSF Steel Coil Car #534321, O Gauge
Lionel 2226462
BNSF Steel Coil Car #534354, O Gauge
American Flyer 2226472
Conrail Coil Car #623624, S Gauge
Lionel 2226502
Union Pacific Coil Car #242118
Lionel 2226520 BNSF
Coil Car w/Graffiti #623684, O Gauge
Lionel 2226560
Lionel 2226630
Santa Fe End Door Boxcar #7176
Lionel 2226660
Southern End Door Boxcar #42000
Lionel 2226790
Canadian Natinal Veterans Bay Window Caboose
Lionel 2226870
SF Vision Stock Car 3 -Pack #68745, 68750, 68762, O Gauge
Lionel 2226950
Penna. Coal & Coke 2-Bay Hopper, 2-Pack
Lionel 2227110
Long Island Passenger Coaches 2-Pack #1
Lionel 2227120
Long Island Passenger Coaches 2-Pack #2
Lionel 2227220
Rocket Train Rider Car "Hialeah", O Gauge
Lionel 2227230
Add on to your Santa Fe Super Chief train set with this Santa Fe Add-On Coach!
Lionel 2227260
Amtrak Phase III 21" Passenger 4-Pack, O Gauge
LIONEL 2227310
Amtrak Amfleet Phase VI Coach 2-Pack, O Gauge