Paint PLA Enamel Brush-On Metal Flake - 1/4oz 7.4mL
Ruby Red
Paint PLA Jade Green Enamel Brush-On Metal Flake - 1/4oz 7.4mL
Paint PLA Enamel Brush-On Metal Flake - 1/4oz 7.4mL
Burgundy Purple
Paint PLA Sapphire Blue Enamel Brush-On Metal Flake - 1/4oz 7.4mL
Testors 1542 Gold Flake All-Purpose Metallic Enamel Paint 1/4oz
Testors 1601
Custom Green Transparent Enamel Spray, 3oz
Testors 1605
Custom Red - Transparent Enamel Spray, 3oz
Testors 1628
Competition Orange - Gloss Enamel Spray, 3oz
Scalecoat II is a solvent based enamel paint that is designed for use on Plastic.1oz (29.6mL) Bottle
Scalecoat II is a solvent based enamel paint that is designed for use on Plastic.1oz (29.6mL) Bottle
Scalecoat II is a solvent based enamel paint that is designed for use on Plastic.1oz (29.6mL) Bottle
This is an e-unit drum & finger set, BRAND NEW. The drum and finger sets are pre-wired and new. They are compatible with all of Lionel's 3 sequence reverse units, both pre & post war.
Collector Color Paint for Lionel Train Restoration 1/2 pint can alkyd enamel paint, 62501 Seaboard Orange
No.6250 Seaboard Switcher
Note: Color shown does vary slightly from actual.
Shipping will be ground only for paint.