Walthers 933-3488
Vintage Motor Hotel Kit, HO Scale
MSRP: $83.00 Sale Price: $59.99
35201 Airplane Gas Station
MSRP; $72.00 Sale Price: $44.99
Bachmann 35208 Tut Hut Souvenirs
MSRP: $64.99 Sale Price: $54.99
401 Drywell Inks Warehouse Kit, HO Scale
Add some new industry alongside your railroad.
MSRP: $34.98 Sale Price: $29.99
Modern Concrete Warehouse Background Building
Kit - Each: 16-5/8 x 1-3/4 x 4-1/2" 42.2 x 4.4 x 11.4cm
Walthers Cornerstone 4112
The UPS Store
Now it's easy to add UPS service to your HO layout.
Walthers 4117
Vintage Grocery Store Building Kit
Walthers 933-4119
Hardware and Lumber Store Building Kit
Bachmann 45161
Plasticville Marshall's Office & Restaurant
Bachmann 45195
75th Anniversary Plasticville U.S.A.
Cathedral Building Kit
HO Scale
Bachmann 45197
75th Anniversary Plasticville U.S.A.
Switch Tower Building Kit
HO Scale
Bachmann Plasticville No.45214
Motel w/Pool Kit
HO Scale
MSRP: $47.25 Sale Price: $34.99
Operating Accessories - Storage Building
With Steam Whistle Sound
MSRP: $74.99
Whether you're having lunch outside or watching late-night TV, the Double Decker Trailer is perfect for taking your layout to the next level.